Abstract General Information

Título / Title


Introdução / Purpose

The objective of this study is to describe the resolution of a retinal detachment with the use of prednisolone eye drops 4 times a day for 3 weeks.

Material e Método / Methods

Case description, wide-field retinography an ocular ultrasonography were performed for morphological documentation.

Resultados / Results

We report a case of a female patient, 63 years old with a previous history of high myopia, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and vitrectomy with buckling and phakectomy on her LE in 1997 that had lost central vision due to a Fuchs spot in 2003. The patient also reported the use of cosopt eye drop twice a day BE for many years.
The patient came complaining of a recent lost her peripherical vision on her LE.
Visual Acuity was 20/40 RE an LP on LE. Anterior segment examination revealed nuclear cataract on RE and IOL and a small number of cells on LE. The IOP was 18 on RE and 3 on LE. Wide-field retinography an echography confirmed a total retinal detachment. We suspended the use of cosopt on the LE and prescribed pred fort eye drops 4 times a day. After 3 weeks the retina was attached, wide-field retinography and an ocular ultrasonography were performed for morphological documentation.

Discussão e Conclusões / Conclusion

Although there was a previous history of successfully treated retinal detachment 22 year ago, the pattern of retinal detachment and the inflammatory signs suggested an exsudative retinal detachment secondary to uveitis and in fact responsive with the use of topics steroids for 3 weeks.

Palavras Chave

Retinal Detachement, Prednisolone Acetate, Exsudative Retinal Detchment




CLDO - Ceará - Brasil


Diego Pessoa Jucá Machado, Pedro Javier Yugar, Felipe Queiroz, Javier L Yugar, André Jucá Machado