Abstract General Information

Título / Title


Introdução / Purpose

Cysticercosis is a parasitic infection caused by Cysticercus cellulosae (larval form of Taenia solium)
It affects around 50 million people worldwide with endemic areas in Latin America, Eastern Europe and India. The order of predilection when there is ocular involvement is 4% in eyelid or orbit, 8% in anterior segment, 20% in subconjunctival space, and 68% in posterior segment. Access to the posterior segment occurs through the high flow choroidal circulation through the short ciliary arteries, towards the macular region and subrretinian space as presented in our case.

Material e Método / Methods

Case description, pictures of Retinography, Retinal angiography, and OCT for subretinal cysticercosis diagnosis.

Resultados / Results

Female, 17 years old, student and resident of Fortaleza-CE.
Patient complaints that she started a progressive visual loss for 1 month in the right eye. Ophthalmic Examination: Preserved ocular motility. The best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was OD: 20/200 OE: 20/20. Biomicroscopy: Both eyes (AO): Conjunctive calm, transparent cornea, anterior chamber formed, no inflammatory reaction.
Fundus examination showed a small yellowish lesion well delimited superior to macula. A well delimited hyperfluorescent lesion with discrete edema was confirmed in the angiography and on the optical coherence tomography (OCT) we visualized the well delimited sub-retinal cyst suggesting the hypothesis of cysticercosis.
Vitrectomy was performed via pars plana with removal of the cyst in the macular region through a retinotomy near the lesion
Patient returns after 21 days of vitrectomy with visual acuity without correction of OD 20/70.

Discussão e Conclusões / Conclusion

The clinical characteristic of a single visible, translucent and well delimited cyst, as in this case, makes the diagnosis very suggestive of cysticercosis.
It is possible to remove the subretinal cyst intact even when present in the macular area with improvement of visual acuity as presented in our case.

Palavras Chave

Retina Vitrectomy Cysticercosis




Fundação Leiria de Andrade - Ceará - Brasil


Pedro Javier Yugar, Lana Martins Menezes, Bruno Barreto Dantas, Fabio Trindade, Alana Andrade Neiva Santos