Abstract General Information

Título / Title


Introdução / Purpose

Ocular Toxoplasmosis has a secondary hole when compared to an infection caused by the T.gondii, which is an intracellular parasite. Nevertheless, it can manifest itself in a recurring way or in a primary form, which is both more frequent and severe than the first, and it is considered to be the mainly cause of posterior uveitis infections across the world. During its lifetime, the infected person can possibly have a reoccurrence of chorioretinitis. This is a report of a clinical case and literature review.

Material e Método / Methods

Analysis of a clinical case where a male patient, 21 years old with no relevant medical history, showing symptoms of low unilateral visual acuity within one month of development.

Resultados / Results

The initial ophthalmological exam revealed visual acuity when finger counting, 3+/4+ of vitritis, chorioretinitis and kyrieleis arteritis. It also showed anti-T gondii lgG + and lgM -. The patient was submitted to an anti-parasite treatment and corticotherapy, improving the patient’s both inflammatory situation and visual acuity to 20/40.

Discussão e Conclusões / Conclusion

Ocular Toxoplasmosis is difficult to diagnose on its initial stage, and it should be taken into consideration on any situations where there is a case of chorioretinitis of an unknown cause, even if there is a presence of negative anti-T. gondii antibodies. An adequate and early treatment, while taking due consideration to the anti-parasite treatment before an stage of chorioretinitis, is essential to the inflammatory process regression and to avoid severe permanent after-effects on the patient.

Palavras Chave

Ocular Toxoplasmosis; chorioretinitis;




Instituto Brasileiro de Oftalmologia e Prevenção da Cegueira- IBOPC - Bahia - Brasil


Bruno Pachu Raia dos Santos, Dominique Silveira Calou Pachu, Verônica Larissa Vasconcelos dos Santos, José Wilson Alves de Amorim Filho