Abstract General Information

Título / Title


Introdução / Purpose

Kindler, in 1970, described a disc abnormality, known as Morning Glory syndrome. It is characterized by an enlarged optical disk with poorly defined edges, surrounded by a pigmented ring. The syndrome may be part of other systemic abnormalities, such as encephalocele and hypertelorism.

Material e Método / Methods

Description of a case of patient with Morning Glory Syndrome, through a medical records consultation associated to the literature review.

Resultados / Results

Patient, female, 23 years old, in consultation with complaint of low visual acuity in left eye and ocular deviation since childhood. For far, the best corrected visual acuity right eye (RE) is 20/20 and in left eye (LE) 20/100. Better visual acuity for near in RE J1 and in LE J3. During evaluation of the pupils, there is a relative afferent pupillary defect in the left eye, with a reduced direct photomotor reflex. It is observed strabismus since childhood due to premature loss of binocularity, presenting PeCcc XT 12-6 and XT '20-10. No change in ocular motility. In the funduscopy of the left eye, papilla with an enlarged size, poorly defined borders and pigmented ring, deep excavation, presence of glial tissue in the disc and radial arrangement of the retinal vasculature were observed. It also presents serous retinal detachment in the upper and lower peripapillary region. Visual field 24: 2 demonstrating increased blind spot and reduced cecocentral sensitivity. Guided by the clinical picture, annual follow-up was indicated to assess possible evolution.

Discussão e Conclusões / Conclusion

Morning Glory Syndrome is a rare anomaly and associated with severe visual disturbances. In the present case, no signs or symptoms were found that could lead to the diagnosis of any systemic or neurological disorder. A correct diagnosis is paramount because of the probable associated systemic manifestations and the possible demand for a multidisciplinary evaluation.

Palavras Chave

Morning Glory; optic disc; retinal anomaly




Hospital Oftalmológico de Brasília - Distrito Federal - Brasil


Isadora Ferro Nogueira, Irineu Ribeiro Melo Júnior, Thays Oliveira Carmo Borges Melo, Lorena Marcolino Dupim, Laura Dayane Moreira Jesus, Maria de Fátima Sainz Ugarte, Gynnaterra Queiroz Andrade Patriota, Nathanael Abreu Sousa